16 Jun 2017

Getting Warmer Plumber Leads Through Search Engines

Plumbers & Contractors, you’re missing out on easy money if you’re not using organic search to acquire customers. These customers are cheap to acquire and they give you easy business – Watch our videos and visit our website to learn how!


Good Afternoon Michael Byrd again form Home Services Digital we’re in Wilmington North Carolina this is video number two. I’d like to just start in with the basics the fundamentals and give you the first little bit on websites and online marketing mostly, online marketing. I’d like to do that but I’m actually going to back up just a little bit to give you another sort of preamble video on why this should be important to you, instead of the for me, why I’m doing it, why this might be important to you from your perspective. I have two reasons and I had two reasons in the last video for that point and I have two reasons for this one won’t always be to but I have to in this case. Why this might be important to you and the first reason is that the customers that come to you the prospects that come to you from surge are farther along in the process they are warm leads. There are a lot of a lot of ways to market in a lot of ways that are effective and you should probably be using several. I’ve seen some business thinkers talk about a 10 by 10 matrix and you’re always using 10 different marketing methods and you’re weeding out the good ones and adding, I’m sorry weeding out the bad ones and adding different methods but you have lots of different ways you get customers and you should be using several. However, this way if it’s almost a no-brainer the search piece and surprisingly a lot of people are not using it and they don’t think about it so that’s why I’m here to help you to think about it. Customer that looks for what you do, looks for plumbing, looks for a heating and air provider, needs it. It’s not as though they’re watching their favorite movie and a commercial interrupts them the old-school old-style interruption or an intrusion marketing this is just making yourself available when somebody’s looking for this providers. So, they’re more than halfway there and as long as you’ve got what they need and at a reasonable price and you’re pleasant and work well with and feel the phone call for goodness sakes, you can get that business, you just basically just don’t mess it up. Okay? So those they’re good leads that’s the first one that’s the that’s maybe more the emotional point, but the second thing more analytical is that the cost of acquisition for these leads is lower and the fact that they’re ready to buy. Every customer acquisition has a cost associated with it, I saw a book title buying customers as a spy Brad sugars and it never occurred to me but that’s that is what you’re doing this is why we try to think about how we run a business you’re buying customers, you’re either buying them with money or you’re buying them with time, usually a combination. But as we all know time is money you convert time to money and so you have a cost for acquiring a customer and you can if you take proper measurements you can assign a cost to every method of acquiring a customer, this method of acquiring customers is cheap, relative to some of your other methods. And discerning that cost is easy you can you can get the numbers very easily so this is why this should be important to you and when I explain it further you will see that it’s important and you’ll see the opportunity in learning how to be good in search. So that is the that is our second video for today and again I’m going to leave you with the same takeaway just don’t sign any contracts, just yet okay now. The takeaways, once I get into some tips they’re going to be a little bit more homework but for right now it’s easy just don’t do any don’t make any big moves on your marketing other than what you’re already doing that’s already working if you’re in business. So that’s video number two Michael Byrd with Home Services Digital thanks.


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