18 Jul 2017

In Google’s Game Of King Of The Hill There Are 10 Winners – You Can Be One Of Them

Do good things with your website and you can be among the top 10 results in the “organic section” of a Google search. And why is this important? Because your competitors are there, and they’re getting the phone calls! When people look for anything today, like a painter, a roofer, plumber or AC repairman, most start with a Google search. The good news is that these results are achievable. Once you’re there, the clicks and the phone calls are free. You need knowledge and you need to take some steps, but it is definitely within reach. And it’s clearly worth doing.


Good afternoon Michael Byrd for Home Services Digital, I’m going to start the video today by asking you to do I meant to have a takeaway on one previous videos but I wanted to talk about the key word of this a little bit and then I’m going to talk about the game of king of the hill. So you can understand conceptually what it means to be competitive in search, we’re going to use this a little bit later. We talk about common sense searches and would like you to do is just to write down five to eight words that describe what it is that you do and go outside of the box a little bit but hit the common ones let’s say if you’re a plumber, plumbing repair plumbers, toilet repair maybe something with pipes in it right write down a few words we’re going to use these at the end so give you a pre-work and then a better takeaway at the end. Now to the game of king of the hill I use the game of king of the hill as a conceptual term we talked with our clients and our prospects about this so that you can understand what’s at stake in getting search results and why it is an ongoing process it’s not a steady-state thing, it’s not a not a one-time thing. When we were younger we play a game called king of the hill, and that meant that somebody was at the top of the hill and they were throwing off or pushing off the people that were trying to reach the top and of course the biggest and strongest kids were usually better at this but sometimes you’d have kids who were sneaky or we could be use some strategy and we could get in there and we could we could win the game of king of the hill. The hill that we’re talking about regarding search results and that would be of course Google and somebody does a Google searches are those first ten results in that third section, and the last email will talk about the three sections, we’re talking about the organic and talking about that first. Because that’s what people think of when they say a Google search that those old it’s ten and organic results. So that’s the hill so there are ten potential winners of the game of king of the hill the second page not even is not even in the neighborhood okay you’ve got you can win by being anywhere in on that top ten, obviously number one is best number two is good number three is good number four is good depending on the caliber of the searches you can still have good you could get good click throughs down the list a bit but it’s a game of king of the hill when we were playing the game as kids physical game rough game lots of fun. You had offense and defense you pushing people off and you were trying to sneak around and maybe get behind or strategize and so on there’s both sides of the typical game which are offense and deep defense. In trying to win the game of search it’s only offense all you’re doing is doing good things for yourself I eat playoffs offense kind of equated with basketball to the layperson seems like mostly offense, its score almost every time at the middle floor okay so you just got to score more than the other guys make sure you don’t miss you miss your chances you have to make sure you don’t miss your chances when you’re trying to win that search. You have the current list of best practices and the things that are important to do relative to your website and other things that are off of your website pulled off page. You play on it if you play off as well you will get into that top ten and hopefully the top  five if you play offense better than your opponents you will replace them you’re going to knock them off the hill there can only be ten in the first ten. There can only be five in the first five, and let’s say you’ve achieved some let’s say you’ve a top-10 placement for an important term such as the common sense term plumbers or plumbers near me as we discovered was a also had a high volume you’re there. Now remember there’s some other things happening out there you have other plumbers who are doing things with their website and their SEO and they may go and hire somebody inside their company or outside the company to do stuff that gets them this offense and gets them into that top 10. You can’t sit still okay you have to be paranoid don’t let this worry all the time but there are people out there trying to knock you off your current batch of competitors in your geographic marketplace are maybe getting smart about search they’re going to do this stuff they’re going to do new things to try to prove their position. And you now also have people coming into the marketplace people starting a plumbing business and so they’re going to of course want to get search results students you have people trying to get those top ten and hopefully top five positions, so you can sit still. But you don’t have to be paranoid if you just continue get those spots keep wanting the new things and keep learning things that matter. Okay so now you take away that list of words that I that I asked you to write like you to do a couple of those combinations and just do a Google search or plumbers do a Google search for toilet repair and you get the idea if you’re in a different business do some variations do three or four searches and then look at that ten in the organic section. And if you’re confused about what section area is it’s the it’s the part of the bottom but not the very bottom you’ve got to ask again a very bottom I showed I demonstrated that in previous video so you can go back and look at that and just see where you come up and this is what you might call a keywords analysis done by hand. You’re not using hard data here but you’re using pretty good data commonsense searches and you’re looking for who’s in the top ten this will give you an idea of where you stand, that’s our video for today thanks for thanks for listening thanks for watching Michael Byrd for Home Services Digital.


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